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Messages posted by: Mikkel
Forum Index » Profile for Mikkel » Messages posted by Mikkel
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I dont have time for it. Thats really all there is to say.
Fatny and Red Viper
Mr.Goat wrote:
Fatny wrote:they do almost no damage, but they spend almost no stamina and like you said, they stun. Previous version the jabs were much stronger and it was a complete jabfest, always is when they do good damage since they're so easy to land and don't harm your defense when you throw them.

Only one that seems weird to me is when you're up and throw a jab to the body, it does much less damage than a jab to the head. Rest is fine.

I agree. I think lean back jab could do with a bit more dmg. If u get hit while being leaned back u get hurt so badly!

In general I think every punch should have the strength to knock someone down, but none of these punches really can.

Lol if you read fatnys post, it seems that you don't agree with it at all.
But Fatny is a bot inventet by me ! never imagined it would get this far, now it has invented its own bot !?!?!
That would be me
It doesn't seem like you're very active now, should I strip you ?
Nice reading, enjoyed reading it.
Basically to do it right would have to recode most of GUI and a new 2D engine. Today you could even do that without using the Java plugin, so it would be a pure browser based game (would be JavaScript instead then).
Would like to do that if I had the time but right now priorities are: life->3D->2D.
Which ATM doesn't leave much room for 2D.
Machine Gun Kelly wrote:
Mikkel wrote:
Machine Gun Kelly wrote:should of went in direction of MMA with the 3d game still gotta love good ol boxing but a lot of people are focused in UFC and Mixed martial art fighting

So I should make a 2D boxing game and a 3D MMA game ? what's your logic ?

I didn't mean to say it like that. I guess didn't put enough into what i was saying so it was misleading. I was trying to say that all the younger people (youth), and even a lot of older people are turning away from boxing a pastime for this mixed martial art ultimate fighting its just more intriguing now a days i guess sadly.. You should do whatever you please with the game much respect for a game as good as these (2d,3d) online for free. In my opinion I think single player will help in the fact that its hard to just start playing for your first time against people who have 20x the experience and skill then these noobs/rookies. It would be a good way to start a good foundation for bringing some popularity to 2D and 3D games that you've put your hard work into all these years. thank you

Well I would like to make a general enough engine so you could add MMA on top of it. I don't know enough about MMA to really make good gameplay, but maybe someone else could help me there.
Tyrant wrote:The target is definitely not the average gamer. Now while the average keyboard gamer can have fun with it, it's mainly those into boxing who will get the most out of it with strategy, etc.

Time becomes an issue for Mikkel, but hosting this isn't free. I started playing this game in 2003 and I think it began a year or two prior to that right? That means this game is about/close to 10 years old. A lot can happen in that 10 years (life, responsibilities, etc). With life, Mikkel doesn't have all the free time and resources in the world to make changes on requests for no $$$ when there are more important things to take care of.

The voice of reason..thank you and learn Redneck..
Machine Gun Kelly wrote:should of went in direction of MMA with the 3d game still gotta love good ol boxing but a lot of people are focused in UFC and Mixed martial art fighting

So I should make a 2D boxing game and a 3D MMA game ? what's your logic ?
Redneck wrote:
Mikkel wrote:I am exausted right now mostly by working and paying bills then there is 3d which none here never gave a chance.
If there was any motivation or if i simply somehow had the time i would create a kick ass singleplayer and much more
. Funny how you all ask me to spend month and years on something yet cant even spend a couple of hours on something like the 3d game.

i always told you that you are on the wrong train with this 3D-game mikkel...not as a 2D fanatic. More as a friend you never wanted I respect you as a good programmer in internet-games and i am sure you got a vision with your 3D game. But the normal internet-gamer always prefer easier games with more action and not simulations. And i am sure if you gave your time to the 2D game instead of the 3D one you would be one of the Onlinegame-Kings in the net.

Target is not the normal internet gamer, but players who want a real boxing game. Don't ever confuse OB with a standard flash game.
I am exausted right now mostly by working and paying bills then there is 3d which none here never gave a chance.
If there was any motivation or if i simply somehow had the time i would create a kick ass singleplayer and much more
. Funny how you all ask me to spend month and years on something yet cant even spend a couple of hours on something like the 3d game.
Do you have links to your reviews ?
Titan wrote:
Mikkel wrote:Much appreciated I just dont have much time to look into singleplayer, I will when I have though.

thats ok. But dont you think that the old Singleplayer isnt better than nothing to keep new guys in the game? And if you got the time you can enhance it.

You misunderstand, just getting singleplayer back to what it was, would at least take 1-2 days.
Forum Index » Profile for Mikkel » Messages posted by Mikkel
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