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Messages posted by: Sugar Ray Robinson
Forum Index » Profile for Sugar Ray Robinson » Messages posted by Sugar Ray Robinson
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Larry Holmes wrote:
Sugar Ray Robinson wrote:
Larry Holmes wrote:Bump ! Funny !

For your information, it's not my fault that every time I've tried to log on over the last week or so, the damn game has been down. I have a life. I'm not going to sit here 24 hours a day to wait when the server is up. Maybe you could do that though since you have no life at all. Good job.

For a pretended n00b you have a big mouth. Im sure all the other paperchamps had similar excuses. Funny how they all "get a life" as soon as they have a title. Next time dont be so quick to judge others.

Get real. You can tell those guys are duckers because they win a title and sometimes continue to fight w/o defending it. I tried to come on last week but the game was down for about 4-5 days. I'm here now, where are you?
Fatny wrote:this 24-3 Dennis Rodman came in to challenge me at about the same time Sugar replied in this forum:

Same skills, same style, same arrogant and frustrated talking in the game, you're caught
I think Fatny is just upset that in our last 7 fights, I've won 5 of them. Trust me, I'm not some loser who isn't going to win a round off you. These days, I'll put you through hell to earn the victory and you should know that too.
Fatny wrote:this 24-3 Dennis Rodman came in to challenge me at about the same time Sugar replied in this forum:

Same skills, same style, same arrogant and frustrated talking in the game, you're caught

That's hilarious. Off theory for sure. I just watched the fight between the two of you and he doesn't fight like me. For starters, I win rounds off you while that loser was owned big time.

You wish it were me. Trust me, you'll know when it's me, because I'll be fighting on Sugar Ray Robinson.

So stop making false accuastions. It's sad.
Larry Holmes wrote:Bump ! Funny !

For your information, it's not my fault that every time I've tried to log on over the last week or so, the damn game has been down. I have a life. I'm not going to sit here 24 hours a day to wait when the server is up. Maybe you could do that though since you have no life at all. Good job.
There are a few people in this game that I give major credit to because they always defend against whomever is online. But why is it that on the flip side we have many insecure so called champions who always duck, run, or become inactive under that username when they have a title? What is the point of playing this game if you don't want to establish yourselves as great fighters? Do you really believe you're special if you hold on to something you aren't adding any merit to?

Mikkel, you should seriously consider creating that mythical p4p rating I mentioned a few weeks back. This way the tough guys without the titles can get the real credit for constantly fighting the best fighters around. Maybe then it will give the runners and duckers some incentive to establish themselves rather than sit stale while assuming the role of mere "titlists."
Tyrant wrote:If it were just limited to top 10, that would be cool...I don't even think 11-30 should even be shown...just top 10 and people will strive to even be listed in the top 10 even more

I agree with the others. Top 15 isn't bad.

Does anyone know how difficult it would be to put this together?
Have you guys ever considered creating an automatic OB P4P ranking system similar to Boxrec's? People are always asking who's top 10, top 20, and stuff. So why not put together a ranking system based on how many overall points someone has in each of the main obw, obc, obf, oba? This way the system would automatically compile a top 1-30 by itself. It might not always be completely accurate but it would be fun to see. It would give people something more to strive more. It could be listed on the mainpage as P4P. Just sharing an idea...
Larry Holmes wrote:Dont retire Fatny your a great fight dont let bad losers (cough cough) make you quit. Your the first to ever beat me in the stamina game and I dont wanna see you quit before that style is cracked

i don't know why he would quit. i got lucky in two fights against him and took his title but that's no reason to leave. like you said, he's a very good fighter. i guess we'll see him under a different id now?
what if they don't show up?
Surj wrote:
Sugar Ray Robinson wrote:2 weeks since i been here and the 2 titles in the middle are still vacant. this is sad.

thats exactly what i was saying in my other post

And it still going..

I guess the creator of this game doesn't care anymore. This game could be more fun if it was setup differently.
doesn't seem to be much movement. i think it needs a boost.
Dark Destroyer wrote:I strongly disagree. Took alot of effort to being these title back not to long ago.
looks like it mightve been a mistake considering that maybe 10 guys play this game regularly.
2 weeks since i been here and the 2 titles in the middle are still vacant. this is sad.
Unstoppable wrote:yacoob the only thing i can say is find 3others to join and u can be in because if its u vs 1more person, it would be uneven,so you+ 3others and i can set it up
did you not read the post above? I'm interested..
is there any more room? i'll play.
Forum Index » Profile for Sugar Ray Robinson » Messages posted by Sugar Ray Robinson
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