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Messages posted by: Fierce
Forum Index » Profile for Fierce » Messages posted by Fierce
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Guys Just another quick Idea ive had to get some people to OB.

Well you know Youtube videos have the two most highly rated comments under each video from people giving it a 'thumbs up'. Well if 1 of those comments had this website in it on a video that had over 100,000 views and increasing every day, it would be sure to get many people to OB.

It would also be targetting the type of people who would play OB i.e Boxing Fans.. and people who use the internet.

Obviously it would be best to do it on a boxing video.

You need a Youtube account to 'thumb up' the comments, but if we all did it on the same comment it would be sure to be in the top 2 highly rated comments on the video especially if the current top two haven't got such a high amount of 'thumbs up'. It would be wise to choose the videos on which to do it on carefully.

Also i think this thread should be a place to post Links to these videos for us all to do it. What do you think?

Here is a quick example of one I have done.

'our' comment is the 2nd highest rated for that video. Thumb it up!
Good Stuff Guys.

Mohammed, did you not see the link I gave? it does run backs too (repeats) .

This is just a quick Idea and would only really work for Tonight.

Well this is a good site to watch the Big David Haye vs Derreck Chisora Fight Tonight Saturday July 14th.

I Hope all of you here at OB will be watching it .

There is a text box on this site so you can talk to other fans whilst watching the fight, as is on all other streaming video fight sites.

I will be shouting the OB website on it whilst the fight is going on, before it and after it. I think and hope this will bring a few fellow boxing fans to the site. I think its a good idea and hope a few others will join in. If not on this website then another and if not on this fight then again, another.

I'll say obviously and firstly, its good to see you back .

Secondly, I didn't realise you wanted a stream for fighting live - I almost said earlier.

this is a good one, which I hope all can join on watching on Saturday The David Haye Vs. Derrick Chisora Fight !.

Oh alright, no worries. You need to update us with whats going on with this freeze issue man.
Umm What the Fuck are you talking about Mikkel? I couldn't care less if there used to be skins or not on that 3D shitty little game.. ?
lol, look up what it means and you might change it back haha, ps. im disappointed that you didnt mention me as one of the people that you see online

my parents are away on holiday all week and ive been sitting online waiting for ppl to come on and noone came on yesterday .
Ha ha ha Troll, just noticed your name on the forums, when did you change it to that?? lol, was it cos i called you that in the game? lolll
I think Troll does get the freeze in every fight and some of us don't and as they are the ones that are always online it makes it a problem for others but No it doesn't make the problem appear bigger then it actually is, it is Still a Big problem Mikkel, and you need to get it sorted. Stop licking your own arsehole and get on with it. Get your head out of your bum mate. What's going on?
How about sharing the problem with others?

What sort of problem is it?

What the Hell's going on?

come on mate you've turned onlineboxing into online dicksucking. I dont wanna come online to this game to suck dick?

--==OOO==-- Uh uh uh
Does anyone else wander how much Sense Titan makes? and if he is talking to himself?

First you say: "All you did was running away with your title instead of defending it."

And Then: "You won a fight vs. me and you won the rm after that fight"

And Then: "Defend the belt first before you act like the big dog here."

Yes Titan's a bit of a bitch and shit talker and freeze fighter but did I whoop his ass into giving up the belt to me? Yes, did i give him a bit of a kickin and teach him a lesson not to run off with the belt and make excuses? Yes.
so are u saying that people with a wireless connection could make it freeze for people with a wire connection? cos to be honest I never used to get that problem until recently and sometimes it doesnt even happen to me...

but otherwise I would say that it may be linked to changes that happened when u sorted the Spam problem out Mikkel. And its definately effected more then 3-4 people Titan.
Mikkel wrote:It seems that it's only certain players it happens for. Believe me, I have tried to fix this error. Even had the game deliberately not sending packets (which would be the same as losing packets, which I thought could be the root of the freezing). Nothing I do reproduces the error here.
I'll keep looking though.

Good man. Keep it up bro and stay with it.
Forum Index » Profile for Fierce » Messages posted by Fierce
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