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Messages posted by: Fierce
Forum Index » Profile for Fierce » Messages posted by Fierce
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And I was trying for about 5 of those fights.

besides, I think this reads i Ko'd u in the 2nd as well and Tko'd u in the third.

Record of chopper81(chopper81):

# Opponent Result Date Event
3699 Fierce TKOby10 2012-05-27
3693 Fierce TKOby3 2012-05-26
3684 Fierce L15 2012-05-23 For OBF title
3683 Fierce L15 2012-05-23 Lost OBF title
3681 Fierce KOby4 2012-05-23 For OBF title
3680 Fierce KOby2 2012-05-23 Lost OBF title
I knocked chopper 'the talking bumchum on the run' 81 out like Breidis Prescott knocked out Amir Khan in his picture.

ps. Never say before a fight: ok ok I will let you have your way if it makes u happy. I may even let you knock me out
No Offense Mikkel but you have GOT to sort this Freezing out. Just earlier today I was fighting a new player that had just joined and it froze in the 2nd round of 4. No way are there any hopes of new players staying on the game if there are problems like this.

OB is Dead.

There are a few people including some 'old' players who are playing now, only now and then.

The problems with freezing remain.

You have got to get this fixed.

I am currently the Champ in OBF, and I have been on only a couple of times since I got the belt roughly 2-3 days ago and noone was on.

I have been a long term player on this and Observed it throughout, including through the times it was unplayable. Note the recent Spam problem and now Freezing problem. There is a Significant Lull in OB's performance and popularity at the moment but i am sure that with these problems fixed it would return to its former state.

I am positive of this. There are still people who play it as it is, and others who come on and check to see how it is going. There is also people who have shown alot of enthusiasm for it, to play it and for it to return to how it was in the forums. These are also people who do not necessarily play it but I am sure check up on it from time to time. And I am sure there are more like that. Mikkel you really need to sort these problems out and it will really return to how it was. You have asked who plays it anymore and your motivation is clearly dwindling but i can promise you things would be good again. Just look at Yacoob's earlier post about OB. There are plenty of people who will play it, and the enthusiasm is there.

This game has so much potential. It is such a fun and complex little game with so much effort having been put into it. I genuinely wanna see it improve and be succesful and go onto bigger things, but for now 10 consistent players online a night is good enough. Don't concentrate or even think about all that though. Just get down to work, and sort these problems out. The rest would follow anyway.
I rematch everyone and anyone as everyone knows when I win the Title as thats what someone who wins the Title Should do.
Very Glad Chopper81 got the title from boon. Such a laggy person is also annoying to have as a champ. well done chopper.

I would like to say that I will be making a hard comeback in the future. After a long and tough time of my life, going through Depression, Even taking some drugs, going through Heroin withdrawal without any help from anyone cold turkey, a tough break up with a girl, again with no comfort support or help and a troubled life at home I will be making a fierce comeback into society and life as a whole. It starts with OB and am Hereby Calling all people I have ever met on OB from 2006 when I started onwards, back into its existence.

Chopper is one of them, I met him along the way and am extremely glad he has decided to get back in the ring which is why I am stating this here.
johnbludger wrote:
Ali wrote:8 Days is way too long to give a champion to defend his title. The Champion of OB should be one of the more active users. That is how respect for reigns are garnered. 2 days max would be reasonable I think.

I'd say 3 days max would be good and if it goes over that then give the title to the #1 contender, but 2 days is ok. Hey Fierce i am down to help when it comes to advertising and I agree we cant advertise right now since there are technical issues with the game so we just gotta wait intil it is resolved. I have full confidence that Mikkel will find and fix whatever the problem is. In the meantime we should get more people to help advertise the more the better right. Then after everything is set we could start doing these ideas. SO who's in to help out?

Thx John, you totally got my point. I am down to help. I've already been trying to put it out there on yahoo answers.. bit of a crap one but i tryed. Has anyone got any other good ideas?

Your right we gotta wait until its fixed but we can gather a petition up of peeps who are willing to help and share the ideas to do here..

Im def down for 1 tho. So that makes 2. Ali should be 3.
It's a good idea for when the game is up an running again, but for now it isn't.

Secondly, its not really contructive ideas to get a buzz going, its more of a moan or constructive criticism, for when it IS going.

This extract from a previous post is more of a constructive idea to get a bit of a buzz going:

" A Few Basic Ideas for Promoting OB for Anyone who believes in the idea of growing the community, isn't hard and takes small effort etc.. :

1. Make a Yahoo Account and Post on Yahoo Answers - Either Answering Questions on Boxing / Games and mentioning the website, Or Asking a Question about Boxing / Games and mentioning the website.

2. Make a Youtube Account and Comment on Youtube Videos. Obviously the best place is on Boxing Videos or Computer Games at all. However, baring in mind all sorts of people who spend time on the internet watch ANY videos on youtube so commenting on Any video's that get high amounts of views would get attention of lots of people, Again mention the Website.

3. Finding and commenting on Blogs. I find this method to be more laborious and slow, as well as appealing to less people. But it would be a good help as well.

In my experience, messaging on Yahoo Answers was the most effective. My advice is to be creative and persistent. Be careful as sometimes advertising sites is not allowed but there are ways around it. Making multiple accounts can help. "

To all you who want it to be how it was its no good moaning about it you gotta do something to help it.

Chatting about how it used to be may help get some old vets back in the game hopefully and once the problem is fixed with the freezing it would be good.

and im pretty sure whether the problems get sorted or not is down to whether the creator think its worth it and depends on how much interest there is in the game and to promote the game, cos recently there hasnt been much and especially at the moment its been wavering on deletion.
No offense, but why dont u stop talking shit about who should be defending what and when and RECOGNISING and Understanding the more obvious and Pertenant problems like The Fact that the Game keeps Freezing and cannot be played past the 4th round on most attempts.

This also goes for all you talking about, and hoping for OB to go back to its former glory and how it used to be in the good old days.
I certainly agree with this and want it to go back but issues have gotta be sorted first for this to happen. The game running properly, and THEN helpin promote and support OB.
No its in Germany
Yea no doubt it was the Mayweather Cotto fight AND Shane Mosley Canelo Alvarez fight!

Mikkel I dont know if you saw the other post about Changing the link on Google when you type in Online Boxing - and it directs to OB3D, this should be changed to OB2D well I second this...

Does Anyone Else??
we're not asking you to 'stop' 3d mikkel or 'go back' to 2D.. but perhaps do some bits of 2D as well as 3D...

After all we are old timers that came here when it started and love the game and you can't let us down...

Besides, All the people you help to get to 2D will inevitably check out 3D, as they are a package and you cannot seperate one from another.

How are you going to get people to 3d? do you have the motivation to do that? because there are plenty of people playing 2d who will help you with marketing and advertising as they have said or shown (to me anyway).
They are offering it to you on a plate

And if you show the peeps who stil play 2d (most of those who comment in the forums) some attention, then it will not only be appreciated but rewarded.

I encourage you and all those reading this to consider it and 'mull' it over whilst watching this video:
bye xx cya next week
I thought I already erased you from existence?

Yep another pathetic attempt to say goodbye to OB.

Yep once again I whipe my arse with this exclamation.

how long you guys reckon til he's back?
Hahaha, this was actually really funny.

Wtf was this i mean when was it?

hahaha he may "have good defence... but he is shit."

Machine Gun Kelly wrote:
Titan wrote:Mikkel is already exhausted with bringing back the singleplayer

yeah one thing at a time i think single player is a must right now i see new players all the time that have no idea how to play and no chance to learn they all just give up that's not helping the population of OB.. d-__-b

No, Mikkel isn't already exhausted, Mikkel doesnt give a turd about singleplayer cos as Mikkel said It never helped the population of OB and he wasn't happy with how it was Anyway, Besides the fact that it would take EFFORT to get it back to how it Was. I think singleplayer is a good thing to have, for population, but other things are needed to be done to get ppl to join OB which should be done by US the boxers. Mikkel has helped us over the years and provided for, we should do something for him. That way he would probably have some motivation to bring back singleplayer, noone is addressing what he has said about it so far. Either do nothing and TALK about ways to get ppl to join OB - like advertising, commenting on youtube videos/ Yahoo Answers, Promote OB in forums (games forums or Boxing forums) and then wait AGES till singleplayer gets up if it will AT ALL,
OR Do something to help get ppl to join OB and give Mikkel motivation to bring back Singleplayer, respond to ppls requests like this quality one from me about putting in Statistics which everyone ive mentioned it to agrees, including Fatny, and also the belt categories all being on the front page etc etc.

Come on Mikkel we need you to show that u want ppl to join OB and help it grow and WE (I hope as im speaking for all of us) will Help drive people to OB as well. Stats is a quality one u gotta admit? If i see it up there I for one will promote OB as i have done in the past and got 10 ppl to join it for a few months, (Not much but looking at how it is at the mo thats probably 75% of the current active users on OB) an I could get more.
Personally I think ur trying too hard on 3D where ur efforts should be back to good old 2D who agrees?

Another thing, Dont post Shitty Unrelated messages to my Threads, Which PUT DOWN my idea. I totally agree to and support the idea of bringing back Singleplayer, Atleast COMMENT on the idea that the Thread is about before talking about other stuff.
Forum Index » Profile for Fierce » Messages posted by Fierce
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