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Messages posted by: M. A R A G O N
Forum Index » Profile for M. A R A G O N » Messages posted by M. A R A G O N
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uh, red viper. he didnt say you suck. i think u just have it in your head because people dont respect you as much. nobody thinks you suck. and you assume what people think. im not tryign to start a fight here
no to chrille.

idk to profs back cause he always beats me but idk about other people. maybe he is just effective how i fight...
Skillz wrote:1 Division? Lmao.
Ricky just got the other 4 and they werent none from me.
I had Tourney,OBW,OBF...

Tip riding cuz u cant do it?

1st of all, how did you have a title in obw and obf and not lose them, yet somehow another person has them? just cause you didnt lose them to ricky doesnt mean you didnt lose them at some point.

2nd of all, you said 15 in a week, and how many do you have now? 1 or 0? which tells me you cant keep them, or are losing and winning to the same people.

3rd of all, i never said i won a title, but if i did i wouldnt brag about getting alot in a short amount of time, unless i have ALOT more defences than titles i lost. i didnt look at this for you, so maybe you do, and if you do then you have the right to brag, otherwise its not a good thing to say, because it means you also lost alot.

and wtf is tip riding? does that mean im riding with whoever gives me tips?

i also wasnt neccessarily talkign about you in the other post either but to everyone.

Lol funny u say tht viper...ive won 15 titles this week and ive only been outta retirement a week.

is that a good thing? i mean winning 15 in 1 division( if its one division cuz ive seen ricky hatton have the other 4) doesnt that also mean you have lost it 14 times?

people need to stop judging if your good or not by how many titles you own but how many title defences.

if someone gets 500 titles in a month and loses all of them in the same time period, he isnt great. i mean sure he got some titles, but he couldnt defend them. now if he had lsot them all but had 1000 defences thats different because he is proving he can hold it for awhile.
so 1-0 me over k0 king... i need to beat him once more.. ( tell me if im wrong in my thinking)
i went on earlier today and k0 king wasnt on, but i was only on for around an hour. i cannot make it the rest of the night.
what if both fighters dont show up? they both lose a fight?
so standing overall are:

vipers vs skillz---2-0 viper

technical k0 vs dion---1-0 dion

is that right?

also si this double elimination? i think if it isnt, it should be so we have a clear 1st-2nd-3rd and 4th.
Earnie_Shavers wrote:PDJ
Big Mac

We're one step closer to our win! lol I done my part.

Thats what i like to hear!!
cant do it then either, partys to go to. its new years eve.
enjoyed:emmj204, edder

hate: whoever i can never hit. it makes me angry.
Paul Dion wrote:And the award for the sexiest team goes to...

Paul Dions Team
1. Big Mac
2. Redneck
3. Mikkel Kessler

True. Also notice i have the #1 in front of my name. I think this might be the most trustworthy statement i have ever seen on this site.
Paul Dion wrote:PDJ vs KMS

Big Mac vs KO King

Redneck vs SHRTNGR8

Kessler vs Tech Box

That is the lineup I think we should go for if possible...

If Redneck thinks he can beat Tech Boxer...he should fight him!

im cool with that.
this is what i say to those jokes. "....................."

Time for a real one. WARNING may be dirty! =P

A guy walks into a bar , sits down to have a drink.
he says to the bartender, if i show you something you have never seen before.... will you pour me a free drink?
the bartender has seen alot in his days so of course he says sure whatever. The man pulls a little man out of his pocket, and sets him on the bar. this man is like a real man walking moving not like a doll or action figure this guy was alive, only he was about 12 inches tall.
The bartender is amazed and quickly pours the man a drink. he asks the man where he got it, but the man says he cant tell him cuz its a secret. the bartender understands and leaves it be still astonished.
Then when the man finished his drink he told the bartender, if i can tell this little guy to play the piano will you pour me another drink. Sure of course says the bartender still not believing what he saw before. the man busts out a little piano, the 12 inch man sits down and starts playing Motzart and like super good. The bartender quickyl pours the man another drink and says you gotta tell me where you found this guy!!. the man says ok ok ill tell you. there is a magic lamp behind this bar, rub it and a genie will come out and grant you 1 wish.
So on his break the bartender goes to the back of the bar. he finds a lamp and rubs it. a Genie pops out and says, I will grant you 1 wish! the bartender says" I want 1 million BUCKS!!!" Granted says the genie. Now this bartender is pumped cuz he like yes, im a rich muthafucka. he goes in the bar and sees 1 million Ducks.. now hes pissed cause he doesnt have a million bucks. he goes to the man and says i think that genie has a hearing problem i asked for a million bucks and he gave me a million ducks. the man goes, yea, you think i asked for a 12 inch pianist.

long but its the best so far id say.
With kessler, redneck, mac , and paul we comin for that # 1 spot, w'll give it our all. 1st is what we are coming for, our fights will not cause a bore. we might not lose 1 fight, and i can keep these raps up all night. 12 and 0 is what we are shootin fo, the mac is talkin the trash so we betta not get bashed. kessler gonna win, i aint jokin, hes got skillz and i aint smokin. redneck he is tight, and he dam well knows how to fight. paul is tougher than a brick wall, you cant knock him down but you sure will fall. and last but not least, is big mac, knockin balls out like a baseball bat. im makin this rhyme cuz i got time, and im bored hun, no one take this seriously, i am doing this intentionally, to make this tourny more fun. just watch out for our team cause we might just whip you into cream. =P
Forum Index » Profile for M. A R A G O N » Messages posted by M. A R A G O N
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