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Messages posted by: Mikkel
Forum Index » Profile for Mikkel » Messages posted by Mikkel
Author Message someone who will never defend the title most likely will never log in again has the title. Please be more careful who u fight.
Gargantua wrote:Jeez.. That's not many people I'm kinda surprised. The game is real good though, very good boxing simulator. But it's unstable at the moment, is it a temp thing or has it always been unstable? It seems to slow down badly, freeze and occasionally crash. Shame because it's a great game when it works right.

These things depends on your connection or your computer. If you have a 2001 computer, more or less forget about this will be too slow. If you have a bad connection or try to heavily download while playing, forget it too. But under optimal circumstances (fast connection,fast computer) you should experience nothing of the above.
Another problem is, your opponent can drag down the speed if his connection or computer is slow.
Ok..its not prime time about 22 hours a day. Then theres about 2 hours prime time with about 2-5 players online. Then during xmas holiday its not uncommon to see 5-7 people online, whereas two are fighting the rest are falling asleep.
Not many
U have to create an account first, then its in the main menu
Red viper was ranked #1 so he got both titles.
Tuxinga wrote:Hello, I am new in this game, but when I enter to the game, and put the controls, put OK and it does not enter the game ... some help? Thank you
PD: I am Argentinian, sorry for my bad english... im use a traductor for speak english

You have to create an account. Goto "multiplayer" click "Click here to create a new boxer..after you filled the form, click "create boxer"
All these fights will not happen.
It's easy to blame it on that..I've seen many fighters go on with a deep cut and winning the fight anyway. If you really are the best fighter you might lose the fight because of this, but being completely shut out you shouldnt.
Anyway I dont see the problem here. MAB is far from the MAB that killed Nazeems career. So he loses, big deal ?

At this point Khans gonna lose if he meats someone like JMM.
He is speedy, but not overly so, and it's easy to be speedy if you don't commit your punches. There's not much power behind them.
Whats speed good for is theres no power behind ?
He still fights like an amateur..I didnt see him slip a punch even once, he don't know how to move his head.
He just looks very green, and would be destroyed by someone like Pac or JMM.
Roach is going to have to work wonders with him. He just looks so amateurish.

Well I think that he beat him no doubt. Don't know how much it proves, think it was more of a test and a confidence builder for him. But will be interesting where he goes from here.
I dont know..maybe you should try reinstall it ? if
Donny_king wrote:Updated, added Ubuntu to the working OS list.

Can you post a link of how you got it to work ?
I think its funny..the guy has comical talent couldnt help but lolling. And he has more than a million views just doing that !?
Don't blink !
Maybe I should make it so there's a period right before the bell where boxers are shadow boxing in the corner getting warmed up. Then if you can see the lags too bad or something else, you can quit.
Forum Index » Profile for Mikkel » Messages posted by Mikkel
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