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Messages posted by: Titan
Forum Index » Profile for Titan » Messages posted by Titan
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as i promised i am on! Damn..i forgot the pressure if you are Champ. Hey see that? I own the belt since yesterday and now 1(!) day after they write "The champ aint on at all"...dont know how you got along with not fighting for more than 3
I hope i lose that belt tonight again...
Senseless piece of
I got to log off now. I waited that 15 minutes to give you the belt without fight back. 15 minutes its not half the 15 rounds we need for a title-fight. Then the rm. So all in all its about 1 hour and not fucking 15 minutes.
I see you tomorrow to defend that belt maxie.
Damn..i knew that you would say something like that. You wanna fight for it and earn it back again. Thats my maxie, full of honour.
Ok..i still wait on the fight-lobby for 10 minutes. You still got the choice to get that belt back tonight without fighting. If not we fight for it tomorrow again.
Thanks for that words john. I hope you come back soon to the game.

Maxie, i see you are still online on the forum. I just logged on to the game again and wanted to give you the belt back. I defendet it but i think you are a worthy champ. If you read this now maxie..come online to receive the belt. i wait 15 minutes on the game after i wrote this here. Got not more time left to wait for ya there..
tsss....i exprected some nice sites here. Why not sending your porn-sites here? I would appreciate that.
No offense john. You know i love you. And i know that it is not just your fault. What can you do to defend the title if noone is online. I know that problem. 80 percent the time i log on noone else is there, no matter if i wait for more than 1 hour.
Nice step from you to give the title to blocker. I did not expect something else because i know you love the game, too.
Take care man..

I dont play this game anymore. John is just sitting on his belt. 3 weeks not fighting, then 4 fights and then 5 days nothing again.
John is working hard to destroy OB2D now completely.
Thanks john! But dont tell us again that you love the game and that you want to help the game and all the blabla. Unbelievable..
No give the title to Fierce. We got some fights yesterday and i think he was really good and in that last fight a little better than me. So he deserves it more than i do.
The thing is just that we all know that its much more entertaining when fighting for the title. Mikkel gives a fuck everything concerning i think you are forced to give it to fierce when you both are online.
No offense john but not fighting with the belt for nearly 3 weeks is shit and i know that it was not your goal doing this. I remember times when the Champ got stripped after 1 week not fighting. But that was before OB2D was the not-wanted children of a developer that does not feed and care for it anymore.
We got a champ that got his last fight 05.09.2012!!!! Now we got 23.09.2012!!! Whats with the Champ-stripping after 1 week not fighting?! This are the things that destroy OB2D..

just sayin...
A few days ago i was three days in a row online for more than 1 hour without anyone else logging on.
I love the fights vs. Fierce. That fights are pure action.
What i dont like that much are bitches like Blocker that
disturb our battles with dumb comments.
Looks like Blocker is an old enemy of Redneck and he is
to shy to show us his real name. Must be a frustrated
player that i floored over and over again in the past...
Dick E. Boon wrote:Klitschko vs Haye, the biggest fight since Trpche vs Dick E. Boon, is on!
Im a Haye fan but I think he bit off more than he can chew.

STFU Boon! You are a fucking cunt!
Dick E. Boon wrote:Klitschko vs Haye, the biggest fight since Trpche vs Dick E. Boon, is on!
Im a Haye fan but I think he bit off more than he can chew.

STFU Boon! You are a fucking cunt!
Dick E. Boon wrote:Klitschko vs Haye, the biggest fight since Trpche vs Dick E. Boon, is on!
Im a Haye fan but I think he bit off more than he can chew.

STFU Boon! You are a fucking cunt!
ya. Its dead and gone...
Forum Index » Profile for Titan » Messages posted by Titan
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