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Messages posted by: Chrilla
Forum Index » Profile for Chrilla » Messages posted by Chrilla
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your going too like this 1....REAPER HAS RETIRED
is there anything that can stop BWB? ;D were like a virus...we are spreading and destroying starting to get a littel envy i havent won 1 title in some months....butu ...u hust gotloose....your 3 first titles in less than 24 hours man and 2 aginst reaper 1 aginst fatny...the first against fatny...and trying and its close sometimes but it end with me losing...but what can i say...its good my gym mates BWB POWER FFS that thy get lucky
Well BWB Power...i mean damn man...your a shocker....2 titles under 24 hours gonna go fore 3? ;D hehe
i want too if everything gets too be good u kno if we get it too work
Happy birth day
Kinda reminds me of when i won my first title...against Unstoppable...he said the only 1 that could beat him was fatny...and i tkoed him in round 2.... that was a shocker damn....but u won over the great 1
Now this shows that anything can happen in OB i bet Captain 2 last night....and i have never won over Fatny...just 1 round but he won the i´ he won over the greatest Ob player ever :9 the captain has become a General

Captain America won over Fatny maybe lucky u say....but if u hit somebody with 6 straight long uppercutts then it isnt lucky fuck that about best ko be4....This is the best 4 this year.....PERIOD Captain blood brother
OBC mine......i never hold it
sterlihalla wrote:wow chrille is in

yeah hope that i will improve...and get that title of yours rep i mean im close but when i get better att boxning then it will be good
goldenboy88 wrote:
goldenboy88 wrote:Well since rocky is bringing p4p out of retirement I figured he needs some competition. Ive talked to a few people who said they were interested in joining a gym. there will be training days when everyone can come on at once and practice combos and spar. Lets set up a gym battle for the near future and the winner gets bragging rights until next months battle.

Im not going to do a recruiting process like rocky. I was in P4P before and I dont believe he should be not allowing old members back in. But fuck it. I enjoying Knocking him out anyways. For now i figure 10 members. If it fills up and more want in then ill gladly take them

If you want in then send me a pm or post here and ill add you in.

1. Catfish
2. Captain America
3. Edder or redviperjr
4. History of Violence

thx man
this gym thing looks cool

Done by our own Captain America......AMERICA FUCK YEAH !! ;P

If u take it in slomotion u can see his head disappear 4 a littel while when the hook connects
Forum Index » Profile for Chrilla » Messages posted by Chrilla
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