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Messages posted by: Chrilla
Forum Index » Profile for Chrilla » Messages posted by Chrilla
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well true :9 but the real winners where the crowd
but 4 me being a bum...i think that this fight against 2 belt champ reaper is very good
Congratulations....too all the champs.......but now when fatny got 1 its the begining 4 him too be undisputed
roflmao ;P
no wait i think u missunderstand me i got back yesterday and fought u and i thought it was a good fight hmm thats nice but 2 belts are still vacant :S that sucks
get online i gotta fight u man ive been in mallorca 4 like 1 week gotta fight
goldenboy88 wrote:this topic has gone to hell. Chrille you couldnt fight your way out of a paper bag. just for the record id fight you and raper and the same time. And humiliate you both.

pst man...u know me? u know me? no u dont ...dont think that your a fighter just cause u have a pic of u and royce disgrace ok? f-u im traning hard almost the whole week except sundays soo dont come and say anything u cant prove....ur like...20? im like 18...soo we both are in a good age too fight ive been traning boxning since i was 12...ive have been traning jiu jitsu and submission wrestling a very long time...and im a street figher i love fighting and kick peoples tooths out my sister have brown belt in jiu jitsu 1 of my friends is swedish champion in boxning...another of my freinds is swedish champion in shootfighting and he will start his pro carrear....soo if u say im not a fighter or anything then u can buzz of i will have my first tournament the 23 post pics of it after I have won just soo u kno used of people saying im trash and shit....but when they get me angry i just kick their fucking asses....u think u are something? ive been judged for fucking assult man...soo dont think u can humiliate me...except 4 over the computer.....just bring it and keep your hands upp or u alltso will be a fuck upp ....
sterlihalla wrote:lol i like to call him mr.glassjaw

eyy reaper u ugly bastard i saw u hitting the heavy bag damn man...that was the most painful and tearfull thing i ever saw ;P but in if i get over too UK will u fight me then cause i wouldnt hesitate too take the chance too fuck u upp in reality what do u say?
if he wants too fight that is...but man he wont..he will hide behind his computer screen
well then thats it but the important thing here is that i would kick reapers ass.....BADLY.....and if u dont beive in that either then your out of your systems
u dont really belive me right? haha
cause i kinda likes it and i like the positive thing it stands 4...not the negative like hitler used it u feel me?

that 1...kinda but not the things above the cross wont like aint no racist or nazi but i have an ASIAn swatiska on my chest.....the asian means sun and not like Hitler or shit like that...i belive in the white race and things like that...but i love black girls and latino girls u kno.....u know x she was black
Forum Index » Profile for Chrilla » Messages posted by Chrilla
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