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Messages posted by: Mikkel
Forum Index » Profile for Mikkel » Messages posted by Mikkel
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The progress is : I spent all last weekend trying to figure out what was wrong. Since I didn't have time. I will work on it during next weekend.
It's most likely some simple thing that is easily fixed once discovered but the thing is to figure out what's wrong.

I'll try to look at it later today. But don't get your hopes up I struggled with it all weekend without getting a step closer. Well I fixed a lot of bugs in the process but not THE bug (that causes the crash). Anyway OB has been down before during server switches and such (I think the longest is 3-4 months ?).
and it WILL be up eventually.
All that is nice. But they will not be included in 2D. Right now I'm fixing the server problems once and for all. Once that is done there will be no more or minimal work on 2D.
To anyone reading this..
It's a so called memory leak. After a few hours the program has spent all memory on the computer. Of course it should not happen.
Also after some time it takes up 99.999 of CPU even if it's doing nothing !

I'll keep you posted on any progress.
Catfish sleeps with the fishes now
I'm working on fixing the problems today. Looks like it's getting there soon.
Will deal with it tomorrow morning.
I thought those were basic rules in every normal forum.
Thanks alot fellas it would be hard to keep this forum in a decent shape without you !
Well this was you second response :

"then ban me from the game. im not stopping. there aren't just nerds here.

ban me."

And you keep posting shit on the forum. I don't wanna waste my goddamn time on this.

catfish2 wrote:you dumbass, i never said "hey it's catfish on another account" or whatever. you son of a bitch. why don't you check the ip of the guy who sent that eh? you're putting words in my mouth. even you play dirty.

Don't know if it's you or not but the first response is the same so no difference.
No there's been a few nutcases before but this one won't listen to reason..
When I asked him to stop his posting this was his response:
hmm, as much as i respect the creator of this game, i decline your command.

when everyone on this game tells me to stop, i will. but as long as people keep asking me to post up some porn because they want it, i will continue to do so. believe it or not, some people on this game got dicks to use. i eat little white boys

Then I told him his IP would be banned if he didnt (I dont even think I would have to say anything a second time just felt like given him a chance).

this me catfish on another account and i will never stop posting the links!

So in all fairness, I think he should be banned.
If Catfish starts acting up with his "links sections" please delete it and let me know ok ? thanks. He just PMed saying that he will continue despite the warning I've just given him.
So please delete on sight no problem this is a boxing game site there are plenty of other sites that share his interrest.
All these things would be cool and will happen one day..
Forum Index » Profile for Mikkel » Messages posted by Mikkel
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