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I'll talk to my provider about it today.
Just start your own servers until lag clears
As Barrack pointed out, this is not the way it works or there would be hundreds of members in HOF by now. When one reaches HOF status it's pretty much obvious to everyone.
Redneck wrote:hm..let me can piss on the attacker..
now for real, if you are a master in a martial arts-technic you can move fast enough to get away from a bullet. Better way is to ko the gunman before he draws his weapon. etc. etc.
sure if someone drops a bomb or a a,b,c-bomb or if someone use a special gun its not possible to get away alive...
IF the attacker knows how to use the gun and has the proper distance, there's nothing you can do. If you think so it's because you have seen too many Bruce Lee movies (and believed them). Sure miracles do happen but that's what it would take, not "martial arts".
Redneck wrote:i agree to this. If you are strong and trained in martial arts a gun is not necessary. A gun is for ppl with no power or a lil dick.
And how is martial arts going to help you against a gun ?
And when exactly did guns do any good for America ? As far as I can see they've only been "useful" for teenagers who wants to massacre their schools..
Hehe you have another function in your sig now Donny..
This trick is so old..
He defo is damn good, I never said anything else.
Calzaghe is a legend, but a very careful one, picking his opponents at just the right time. I'll stick to my point, he has never fought another great fighter when still in prime. Another question is whos fault that is, Maybe he got ducked or he ducked himself.. none knows for sure.
Oscar wrote:
Mikkel wrote:
Oscar wrote:More excuses...keep them coming.
I need an excuse from Calzaghe on why he never fought another great fighter who was in his prime. I'm sure he can come up with plenty though.
You need a reason not an excuse. Maybe you can get hold of Enzo Calzaghe's phone number and ask why Joe wasn't offered a trip to America to fight Jones in his prime instead of Joe boxing at a national/European level.
Maybe, I'm showing you your own meaningless way of arguing..that Jones got beat like this is because he is shot, its not an's a fact.. he is shot.
Paul Dion wrote:
Mikkel wrote:I need an excuse from Calzaghe on why he never fought another great fighter who was in his prime. I'm sure he can come up with plenty though.
Joe has been calling out RJJ for a LONG ASS TIME!!! I remember him calling him out when RJJ was still on top form...but RJJ said Joe wasn't a big enough name and demanded GAZILLIONS of $$$ to fight... Joe also called out Hopkins years and years ago but Hopkins demanded too much money too...
But now that Joe is the star of the show...the one who brings the $$$... they all wanna fight him...too bad they are too old...but it's not Joe's fault...
Keep the cuses coming
Oscar wrote:More excuses...keep them coming.
I need an excuse from Calzaghe on why he never fought another great fighter who was in his prime. I'm sure he can come up with plenty though.
I just saw RJJ vs Prince something (I think his latest fight) and it changed my view on him. He looks fresh again and his speed and combos are very good. I give him a good chance to beat Calzaghe.
Ray will you pls stop sparking an argument constantly ? The guy asked a simple question and you answer with "get a life".