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Messages posted by: An OK Fighter
Forum Index » Profile for An OK Fighter » Messages posted by An OK Fighter
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Hot shit. 8-)
You're letting too much get to you. I can understand you being discouraged because of your ping going up, but not the rest of what you're worried about.

In life and especially in games, you always have shit talkers. Immature, STUPID, shit talkers. They're just ignorant, dumb little kids most of the time.

I think you should rethink your decision. If you can get your ping fixed some how, you should continue to play.

I've been around this game a long time and have often thought of quiting and never playing again... so I just take some time off and then come back so the game is fresh for me again.

You must accept the fact that OB is not the kind of game that just anyone can dominate. You either have it or you don't. We can all be good, but only few can be great. That's why I named myself An OK Fighter, because I realized that I wasn't going to be any better than just OK.

I took an entire year off, came back, shook off the rust the best I could. Since I've returned, I only fight a few times and sometimes go days without fighting. It's better that way. Don't worry about trying to play everyday.
If nothing else, you have to give Yacoob a little credit for putting so much effort into his persona.

I've forgotten more about boxing than you'll ever know.

Simply put, your style sucks ass. And it will never win you fights. You do nothing but try to lure your opponent into traps. You don't do enough to win rounds and your traps are telegraphed.


Deal with it.
His "new" style is worse than his old one. All you have to do is out-work him and win rounds, which isn't hard to do. He doesn't want to engage much and lure you into traps within the corner.

I just fought him and his bullshit tricks didn't work.

I have respect for all styles, but this one I just can't respect because it's not effective. If it was effective, then I would give props, but it's nothing more than rope-a-dope that doesn't work.
So is Bukowski HTF?
Let's have another fight before you leave, Yacoob.
I keep seeing comments like "Gyms should be for better fighters and ran by better fighters, blah, blah, blah..."

What in the blue hell are you talking about?! Gyms are for ANYONE AND EVERYONE!

We're just having fun and progress off of each other strengths.

Anyway... P4P, I'm not saying don't cuss someone out if you're pissed. All I'm saying don't stoop to the level of some of these other clan members by always starting shit in the chat rooms and on the boards.

Last night I was on, a TBF member viewed one of my fights and spammed it the whole time, talking shit about P4P. I think we should be above stuff like that. Have fun, be yourself, but don't take it too far and try to be more professional than the other clans.
I'm not a "kid". I'm 22 and don't need anyone. It's just a game. I joined P4P for the hell of it, why not?
I just want to say to all the P4P members, I'm actually enjoying being a member of the P4P clan. I was hesitant at first to join, but I'm glad I have.

I want to say to all the P4P members, please try to conduct yourselves in at least a semi-professional manner. I think we should try to make our clan respectable and not a bunch of a fools running around the boards and the game insulting people and instigating arguments.

If we're serious about this clan, then upholding standards and a respectable image and reputation will do us much good in the long run.

We'll let The Black Fist family be the jokers, shit-talkers, instigaters, etc. while P4P becomes the clan that is truly looked up to and admired.

No offence to TBF, but hey, someone has to be the villian and with a leader like Yacoob, they're perfect for that role.
All you do is look for a hook KO in every fight. You can't win rounds and you don't put punches together well.

You're a one-dimensional, hook fighter. You hooked me good, I'll give you that. But ANYONE can do that. It takes little to no skill at all to do.

It wouldn't have happened that way a second time if you had not ran and refused a rematch.
Although I think this is a good idea, I also think that whoever wants to make a clan, whether it's "official" or not, should be able to.

As long as a gym/clan has at least five members, I think it should be officially recognized no matter what.
Well done, man.
Forum Index » Profile for An OK Fighter » Messages posted by An OK Fighter
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