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Messages posted by: An OK Fighter
Forum Index » Profile for An OK Fighter » Messages posted by An OK Fighter
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lol, you guys are really getting into this. This is entertaining. I'll join in the "war" next time I'm on.
Lemme get one of those lovely sig banners.
Clans are for everyone... even noobs wanting to learn. What's wrong with that?
Of course you do what you want. My title history is on my name on the main site, that's why I don't put it in my sig.

So how many total do we have in the clan now?
Also, everyone within the clan should fill this out in their sig:

OB Debut:
OB Champion:
OB Clan:
AKA: **put other names you have used or use here**

It's a good way to keep up with who's who and who has been here longer, etc.
A P4P tournament would be cool.

Just a reminder, if anyone within the P4P clan wants any tips or advice, feel free to PM me anytime.
To be brutally honest, yes, you can only be so good.

There comes a time when you adopt a certain style so much, there becomes a point to where you cannot break that style. And if that style isn't a dominating one, then that's just how it goes.

Not everyone can excel and excel to become a HOFer. It just doesn't happen that way.

Everyone can learn new things, but putting them into play effectively during a fight is a different story.

Quite simply, not everyone is meant to be a HOFer. Not everyone is meant to win all the titles, etc. Only that certain "elite" few will do that.
You're right, Don, but they're still should be lesser important titles for the mass amount of lower class fighters in this game.

The A-Class, HOFer guys always dominate the four main titles. Those belts are always tied up by no more than five different players.

And since there are so many B and C class fighters, there should be at least two other belts just for those fighters.
We don't need childish insults directed towards other team members. There's no point in being a part of this if everyone isn't getting along.
Tyrant, your myspace link doesn't work.
I just joined this gym. I won't be using a P4P in my name, just my original name, An OK Fighter.

Anyone that wants advice, feel free to ask. I'll help you in the best way I can. I'm not one of the best of all time, but I do know a lot about the game and have been playing for three years.

I can't make you an undisputed champion, but I can turn a C-minus fighter in a C-plus fighter. Or a low B fighter into a B-plus fighter. Progress is progress.

I also fighter under the name HHC. So if you see An OK Fighter or HHC on, that's me.
I just want to make a reminder that to be A-Class, you must be a HOFer or an elite fighter that's always on top and in the title hunt for the four major belts. So basically that's fighters like unstoppable, larry holmes, fatny, Nigel, etc.
I consider all A-Class level fighters elite and HOF fighters.

Everyone else within the B-Class and below should be the only ones that can fight for these belts.
I'd like to see them back, so the B-Class and below can have some title-wars.
Yeah, shit is getting old.

Polksi1 causes lag when he starts losing a fight. And several others have that fuckin' annoying skipping problem. Their connection skips every few seconds... it throws off your timing and style badly.
Forum Index » Profile for An OK Fighter » Messages posted by An OK Fighter
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