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Messages posted by: An OK Fighter
Forum Index » Profile for An OK Fighter » Messages posted by An OK Fighter
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**takes credit for my thread starting this** haha

Yeah, let's see this. It would be entertaining. 8-)
This was just a joke thread... and is actually complementing Fatny's skills and dominance in the game. So don't take this shit too far, lol.
Fatny has held the titles for a long while now. He has defended them several times against all challengers... he has nothing else to prove. He should already be in the HOF.

I say it is time that we get a petition going to have him removed as champion. No one else is getting a chance to be a champ. Fatny has a stlye that dominates all other styles. He found the X-factor. He was the "chosen one". But enough is enough!

Make your mark if you agree that Fatny should get the boot.

Note: This is just for fun. I don't actually think or expect this to happen.
Because they are the CHAMP.
After one week of inactivity, your name will drop out of the rankings.

You're still ranked, but after one week of not fighting under a name, that particular name will be taken out of the rankings temporarily and others will move up.

The minute you fight again under that name, you will reappear in the rankings where you were.
Yeah, it seems like when he starts losing and the fight isn't going the way he wants it to, he freezes the fight.
Polski1 fought a lot of people today and never froze. Then when he fights me, the fight freezes. He did this the last time we fought as well. It's not my connection, it's great.

It's very suspicious when you fight a bunch of times before we fight and they don't freeze, then when you fight me, it freezes.
I'm sure he's an alright guy, but it's the fact that he's such an attention-whore that makes him so annoying. And he's very unoriginal as well. Direct copy of Dewayne Johnson, AKA The Rock.
Why P4P? There are no weight classes...
Hey, Fatny, did you get my PM?
Doesn't seem like the real Jigsaw...
Donny_king wrote:You and your nasty style again eh

Nice finish man.



lol, yeah, I'm nasty. :p

3rd round.

No, it's not the best, I know. But I think it's a pretty good KO.
With my two other names, HHC and Loose Cannon combined to An OK Fighter, I have 1988 fights.
I get that kind of shit all the time. People hate my style and I think it's hilarious.
Forum Index » Profile for An OK Fighter » Messages posted by An OK Fighter
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