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Messages posted by: An OK Fighter
Forum Index » Profile for An OK Fighter » Messages posted by An OK Fighter
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Yeah, the tournament room is used quite a bit. The use of it shouldn't be taken away totally, but limited to some degree.
Yeah, I know what ya mean. But I'm sure Mikkel is aware and will take care of it when he can.
You do not order and demand Mikkel like that! He's gonna e-smack you!

10 grand?! How about 11 grand and we'll call it a deal?

I want to see what he'd sell it for just out of curiosity.
No, for real, Mikkel, how much would it take for you to at least entertain the idea of selling this game?
Moons and MoonLight

A little too good to be a new player, I think...
If this was my game, I wouldn't let people play for free. You should charge at least one dollar a month, just so you're making SOME kind of money. It would be enough money to buy you an extra cheese burger here and there, ya know? Couldn't hurt.

lol :p
Yeah, I like to counter punch.

The "up, down" style is good as well. HTF did that well. Fast punches to the body and head, using the long body jab and popping up with head shots.

Happy Killmore was a bigtime standing body puncher. He/She used that to set up everything.
Let's define the styles, so we have something to go on.

What kind of style do you feel has been the most dominate? Obviously Fatny's style is doing very well, but what else is there?

Anyone remember GT? He was pretty damn good and won all the titles quickly.

Pressure fighter
Technical boxer

Anything else I'm missing?
I did notice that it seemed to go down faster, but I guess that was because of the increased round length.

Mikkel, what do you think about lessening the rounds by 15 seconds? How do you think that would work out?
Forum Index » Profile for An OK Fighter » Messages posted by An OK Fighter
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